The Nightmare of Nail Trims!

It’s 8:00 am on a Saturday morning. You’re making coffee, getting settled in on the couch for your favorite talk show….Then you hear it….the “click, click, tick” of your 80-lb dog’s nails walking around the house. Yes…the dreaded nail trim is due.

You get through your coffee, put on your best fight club clothes, and get out the nail clippers. Then the real fun begins. Sparky is doing “zoomies” around the couch, trying his best to avoid you. There’s hair flying, slobber slinging, and choice words floating in the air. You finally get a hold on him. and both of you are too tired to even finish the task.

In true “Dog-Mom-Of-The-Year” fashion, you push through and try your best to get it done. Sparky is stressed, you’re worn slap out, and every other nail is jagged or bleeding. Despite your best efforts, you decide to load up and head to your trusty veterinarian.

Now, rewind……..

It’s 8:00 am on a Saturday morning. You’re making coffee, getting settled in on the couch for your favorite talk show….Then you hear it….the “click, click, tick” of your 80-lb dog’s nails walking around the house. Yes…the dreaded nail trim is due.

You grab a treat for Sparky, load him up on the couch with you, and finish your coffee. Both of you are relaxed, and he is eager for another cookie.

You grab the nail clippers, walk to the back porch, rub his head, and give him a treat because he is sitting like a good boy even though he has caught sight of the silver toe pinchers of death in your hand.

Fast forward 10 minutes, and you are both back on the couch, drinking coffee and eating treats.

Now, what’s the difference?

Watch this video to learn some tips on how to get through a nail trim without the slobber, blood, and hair flying!

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